Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Decorating for Christmas

The family "homemade" tree

The "pretty" tree! :)

Brooke's tree

I can't believe it's that time of year already! I got all our Chrismas decorations out and it only took me 2 days to put it all out! It's ridiculous! Jared's parents gave us an extra artificial tree they had so I got to make a "pretty" tree. Ya know, one without any Oriental Trading ornaments, construction paper rings, or beaded pipe cleaner candy canes. Oh don't get me wrong, we have one of those trees, BUT it's in the family room. I really do love the "homemade" tree with all the ornaments that the kids made, ornaments I bought me & Jared's 1st Christmas, ornaments people have given us. I even have ornaments that I made when I was 6 years old on it! It may not be pretty to OTHER people, but I THINK it's beautiful. Brooke wanted a new tree this year to "match" her room. She WANTED a white feather tree, but when we got to Michael's they told us they don't sell them anymore! She was really disappointed but she found a SILVER TINSEL tree so she HAD to have it. I know, I know! SILVER TINSEL, but it's actually really cute and it's DEFINITELY Brooke! Now that I'm done DECORATING...the real fun begins with trying to buy that PERFECT gift for those you love and teachers you're trying to "brown nose"! :)


Rebecca said...

I love your trees. Brooks is darling.

Rebecca said...

Oh, and your blog is working!!! Yeah :)

The Ellsworth Gang said...

U r so FUNNY! Luv ur honesty! :-)

Anonymous said...

All the trees are beautiful. Brooke, yours is definitely you!Love - Nana

Marcie said...

I love all your trees! I'm so bad...usually I decorate the tree while the girls are at school so that I can do it the way I want...but this year I decided that I would let my girls decorate it...with my decorations! I'm awful...I know!!!