Sunday, January 11, 2009

Day of Reckoning

Tomorrow is the day that I step on the scale and start the diet!!! Holy cow, I think I need a friend to come over and hold my hand before look and see just HOW much weight I have put on! It's ridiculous! I'm pretty sure this is the fatest I've been except for when I've had babies. The zipper on the skirt I wore to church today was ACTUALLY crying! You could hear the metal tangs screaming as I zipped her up!!! Me & Jared booked a cruise the other day and I have 6 weeks to loose as much weight as I possibly can. What do y'all think?!? How much can I loose, is 15 possible! I saw this picture of Jenny McCarthy walking on the beach in a bikini and she looked absolutely amazing! I'm positive that HER body is the body I would pick if I came across a LAMP with a GENIE in it and was granted 3 wishes! So, I'm going to start starving myself in the morning (along with looking for that lamp!) and reporting back in 3 weeks as to my progress. I figure if I have to put in on my facebook my progress I'm bound to do better! Wish me luck and remember...NOTHING taste better than SKINNY! :)


Marcie said...

You go girl!!! We are doing 'The Biggest Loser' with Brackon's entire family for the next 16 wks! We set up a private blog (DROP IT LIKE IT'S HOT!!!) to post photo's of ourselves in our skivvies so that the motivation is a little more...shall I say URGENT and CONSTANT!!!! Brackon and I are headed to Hawaii at the end of February so I too have a push to get myself into bathing suit shape! I'm not so interested in losing the weight that I have, but more toning...25 lb love handles pouring out over my swimsuit is so what everyone wants to see right?!? Good luck and it shouldn't be hard for you to look great already!

Rebecca said...

Good luck girl. I am right there will you!

KatSpy said...

I'm confused because I think you look fabulous, but I'll support you. ;o) I'm not doing so hot on my 'resolution.' Perhaps we should keep one antoher in check. ;o)

Shannon Harris said...

well.... chocolate is pretty darn close to skinny I'll tell you that!!! Good luck! You crack me up girl! If anyone needs to loose some massive pounds, it's this hot mama right here!! MOI! Inspire me!