Monday, November 24, 2008

What I am Thankful For

Yesterday I sat in sacrament meeting and listened to a talk on gratitude. The speaker challenged us to give more prayers of "thanks" instead of asking for this or that. She said something that really hit home with me. She said that Heavenly Father already knows the wants and needs that we have so we should give thanks to show our appreciation to Him. I just sat and thought how true I knew that to be and how I know I need to do that more often! So at this Thanksgiving season I would like to write about all the many things that I am thankful for.

I am thankful for this beautiful country I live in. I am grateful for the soldiers that leave their families to stand up and fight for my freedom. I grateful that their families support them in this. I am grateful for eternal families. I am grateful to know that even though we are not together much, we love each other and are ALWAYS there for each other. I am grateful for my amazing husband and SOUL MATE! I am so glad that he is my best friend and he loves me with all of my good qualities and BAD qualities! I am grateful to know that we will be together FOREVER. I am grateful for our 3 BEAUTIFUL children. I am grateful that they are all strong, smart, sensitive and they are just all around GOOD KIDS! I am grateful to know that I have "true" friends! Friends that know I have ADD and love me anyway! :) I am grateful that I have FUN friends that are just plain 'ole "good people"! I am grateful for my healthy body. I am grateful for a roof over my head and food on my table EVERY day! (even though I could stand to skip a few meals!) I am grateful for good music. I am grateful for funny movies. I am grateful for the opportunities that I have had to travel to beautiful places with WARM sunny beaches! I am grateful for a reliable car to drive me anywhere I would like to go. I am grateful my husband knows how much I love to shop and "somewhat" supports my "habit"! ;) I am grateful for memories of good times and loved ones to share them with. I am grateful that I have been able to be a stay at home mom for 13 years and be home when my kids get home from school.

Most importantly I am thankful for my testimony of the Gospel. No matter how simple and elementary it may be, I know that I have a true testimony. I am grateful that I am one of the lucky people that know about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints and that I believe it is TRUE. I am grateful that I am not one of the lost souls wondering around trying to figure out what my life is missing. I am grateful for my trials that knock me down and build me up. I am grateful for a calling that makes me want to pull my hair out and helps me grow spiritually all at the same time. I am grateful that I know that Heavenly Father know my name and loves me.

These are a few of the things I am grateful for at this Holiday Season. I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

My trip to see Kizzy in Pheonix!

It only took me 2 YEARS to go see Kristina in Pheonix, but I finally did it! Kristina is "like" my best really she is my best friend! 2 years ago she and Jeremy decided to move back to Pheonix where all their family is. They have been out here a few times since then, but me and Jared haven't made the trip out there yet. Jared really couldn't take the time off work so he told me to go by myself. It was the 1st time I flew by myself!!! Can you believe it! 38 and never flown alone. It went really good though. I didn't even get lost or confused in the airport NOT ONCE! (that's like amazing for me!) I was really proud of myself. :) We had SOOOO much fun! We shopped a ton! She took me to get "authentic" mexican(Totally the best!). I went to IN & OUT BURGER for my 1st time! Totally yummy, Jared was SO jealous! They took me to see the house Kristina grew up in and the house Jeremy lived in. I met some of her friends and we just basically hung out. Pheonix was really pretty. The sunsets are AMAZING and the warm weather is the BOMB! I could totally get used to living out there where it's warm ALL year! I miss Kristina so much, but I know they made the right decision to move back. Maybe ONE day, they'll be able to move back to Georgia! :)
Jeremy being Jeremy!
Two little hotties ready to go out!

3 little hotties!

Kiley and Tylar after their volleyball game. They have grown up so much! I can't even believe that they're not little girls anymore, they're big girls now! They are just the sweetest and cutest ever! I didn't get a picture of Brielle because she wouldn't let me! But, you can't believe how CUTE she is and FUNNY! She says the most grown up things and she just itty bitty, it's a trip! Jeremy & Kristina have done a great job on them!

Family Day in the Blue Ridge Mtns.

We took the kids to the Blue Ridge Mountains a couple of weeks ago for a "family day". We love to go up there and get away. It's just about an hour north, but when you get up there it feels much further away. We got some mexican spiced hot chocolate, which is the best ever! Mom, it's ALMOST as good as your homemade recipe! :) We walked around the cute little shops and got lunch. It was a great day with the kids. They're really growing up and it's actaully FUN to go and do things like this with them. No diaper bags and chasing kids around. I think we're at a really great "stage" in life. Maybe it's the calm before the storm though!

The kids in front of the train that you can ride up to Tennesee and back on.

I took these pictures from our back yard. I know everyone says we practically moved to TENNESEE, but I love it out here in Canton. It's just beautiful! You know what they say, "you can take the girl out of the country, but you can't take the country out of the girl".

"Mean Girls"

Brooke has been having a hard time at school this year with friends. She has a girl that she has been good friends with off and on and it's finally "off"! I say off and on because the other girl can't "decide" if she wants to be Brooke's friend or not! It's so ridiculous. It's a long story and I won't bore anyone with details, but long story short she said mean and untrue things about Brooke at school. Brooke came home the other day from school and had it out with this girl on the phone and she was REALLY mean to Brooke. I haven't seen Brooke cry like that in a long time. (And for Brooke that's saying A LOT! : ) It's been a tough year for her trying to find a "best friend". Brooke is just different from the other girls at school. She (believe it or not!) isn't into boys and getting into trouble. She's just a sweet girl who isn't mean and CADDY! So, she gets left out. She's the girl at school trying to convert people by giving out Book of Mormon's to her teachers and bus drivers!!! So...needless to say this doesn't make her "cool" with the other kids. So, I found this ADORABLE Betsey Johnson bag and bought it to cheer her up. Listen, I AM NOT in denial, I know that's shallow and superficial, but anyone who denies getting something NEW doesn't make them feel good is a liar! :) She absolutely loved it and flipped over it. It was just nice to see her SMILE again. Kennedy Curtis...she MISSES U SO MUCH!!! I am so proud of Brooke I KNOW that she will go far in life standing for what is right!

Monday, November 10, 2008


Me and Jared went to see Coldplay last Wednesday night. I'm pretty sure they are my MOST favorite group! I love pretty much every song they sing! Jared, being the most awesome hubby that he is surprised me and got tickets. He really doesn't care for them that much, so it was a big deal that he went with me! He kept telling me to invite someone else, but I really wanted to just go with him. We had a great time! By the time he went online to get the tickets all that were left were tickets in the "nose bleed" section! We had never sat that high up before, but they actually turned out to be really great seats! We had a perfect birds eye view. We ate at Ruth's Chris steakhouse (right by Phillips Arena) before the concert, which is ALWAYS good! Then we walked up to Phillips for the concert. Coldplay put on a great show. The set was really cool and they sang every song that I wanted to hear AND they didn't change them or sing them weird! We couldn't bring our camera in so we had the take pictures with my PHONE! So, excuse the low quality pictures.

Here's the set when they performed Viva la Vida.

Me and my "honey" inside Phillips. Aww...what a cute couple!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Way to go GATORS!!!

Jared & Reed Ellsworth, Brooke, Bradley & Chase showing their Gator spirit!

Jared, Reed, Bradley & Chase
I had to post this on our blog because I think this is so funny! We went to the Ellsworth's house on Saturday to watch the Florida & Georgia game. I painted the boys faces in the gator colors and they all looked so funny! It was really cute how they got into the spirit of it all. They went outside and played football while the adults actually watched the game. I just hope my parents don't see Brooke the "traitor" though! She's always been such a HUGE Tennesse fan that I don't think Papa Talley is ever going to let her live it down when he sees her face painted in the Florida colors! She really just did it for the fun of it though, so don't get too upset Papa! Her blood still runs orange just like MINE! Good job Florida though! Jared is trying to get some tickets to the SEC on Dec. 6, so if anyone knows a way for him to get some, LET US KNOW!