Me and Jared went to see Coldplay last Wednesday night. I'm pretty sure they are my MOST favorite group! I love pretty much every song they sing! Jared, being the most awesome hubby that he is surprised me and got tickets. He really doesn't care for them that much, so it was a big deal that he went with me! He kept telling me to invite someone else, but I really wanted to just go with him. We had a great time! By the time he went online to get the tickets all that were left were tickets in the "nose bleed" section! We had never sat that high up before, but they actually turned out to be really great seats! We had a perfect birds eye view. We ate at Ruth's Chris steakhouse (right by Phillips Arena) before the concert, which is ALWAYS good! Then we walked up to Phillips for the concert. Coldplay put on a great show. The set was really cool and they sang every song that I wanted to hear AND they didn't change them or sing them weird! We couldn't bring our camera in so we had the take pictures with my PHONE! So, excuse the low quality pictures.

Here's the set when they performed Viva la Vida.

Me and my "honey" inside Phillips. Aww...what a cute couple!
What a great night. I love Cold Play.
How awesome! OK - next time we're comin' with y'all! :-)
Dude - I'm a reject - that was me KATY - not Kary :-)) I don't even know how to leave a comment....
JEALOUS!!! Brackon and I love Coldplay! What a great husband you have. need to get on Facebook girl!
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